Introduction to MCM

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About Us

We have been providing 24/7/365 incident response services to industries with high risk operations for over 20 years.

We support a significant proportion of the UK’s gas supply and companies carrying out offshore and onshore oil/gas exploration and production, as well as offshore and onshore wind farms.

We support a wide range of companies working in related industries such as construction, decommissioning, engineering, maintenance, manufacturing, marine and subsea.

We also support companies in sectors such as distribution and insurance, where business continuity is critical.

Our incident response services are delivered locally by our unrivalled national Response Network with incident management facilities based at our Response House headquarters next to Norwich Airport.

Our incident response services focus on four key areas:

We also deliver a range of consultancy and training services

Our Response Network

Our Response Network comprises sixteen Response Teams, which are strategically located to provide rapid response across the UK, Ireland, Norway, Belgium and The Netherlands.

Each team has the resilience to support major and multiple incidents in their region and teams will provide mutual support if required. Each team has arrangements in place for reception centres, accommodation and local transport and has fostered relationships with hospitals, private clinics and air services.

MCM’s responders are selected for their experience and expertise in helping people. They are from a broad range of relevant professions, including police officers, nurses, coroners’ officers, fire and rescue officers, media and communications professionals and members of the national resilience community.

Network Map

MCM Network Map

Our Management Team

Matthew Sharp BA (Hons) MCIPR – Chairman

Matthew Sharp profile image

A founding partner of MCM, Matthew has over 20 years’ experience in crisis management and some 30 years’ experience at senior levels in public relations for the international motor industry.

Matthew started his career in British Leyland in the 1970s dealing with many tough industrial and business issues as well as product-related matters. As PR Manager for Land Rover, he helped build one of the world’s most famous brands before his appointment as Public Affairs Director of Citroën UK Ltd where he stayed for eight years before setting up MCM.

Matthew has been the strategic driving force behind the development of the business supporting around 100 retainer contracts across a number of disciplines

Sarah Alcock Dip EP FEPS FICPEM MBCI – Managing Director

Sarah Alcock profile image

As Managing Director, Sarah has responsibility for the running and the growth of the business. Sarah has dedicated her career to emergency response and business continuity. As the former Principal Resilience Officer for Norfolk County Council, Sarah chaired several of the Local Resilience Forum liaison groups and managed NORMIT, a public/private sector partnership developed to promote resilience and business continuity in Norfolk.

Sarah has developed and facilitated many emergency exercises, including COMAH sites; she is a qualified trainer and has developed and delivered accredited training courses.

Sarah is a Fellow of both the Emergency Planning Society (EPS) and the Institute of Civil Protection and Emergency Management (ICPEM) and is a Member of the Business Continuity Institute (BCI).

Bruce Holcombe MCIPR – Commercial Director

Bruce Holcombe profile image

Bruce is responsible for all of MCM's commercial activities; maintaining, servicing and growing emergency response contracts.

Bruce is a specialist in corporate communications and reputation management, with a former career in journalism and PR spanning 20 years, including time as a retained emergency Media Responder for MCM.

Bruce has covered the whole spectrum of communications disciplines; consumer and corporate media relations, technical, trade and customer relations, marketing, public affairs and crisis communications.

Bruce has represented global companies in the technology, engineering and automotive fields, including Bosch, ExxonMobil, BP, Citroën, Peugeot and Toshiba.

Anita Lansdell – Office Administrator

Anita Lansdell profile image

Anita has responsibility for the smooth functioning of the information and communications systems that MCM relies on to successfully deliver its 24/7/365 emergency response. These include monitoring the availability and response capability of MCM’s network, managing the exchange of duty rosters between MCM and its clients and facilitating the Document Control system.

Anita is also tasked with the upkeep of our facilities at Response House, including the permanent readiness of our Incident Management Suite and emergency call centres.

certainty in an uncertain world

Media & Crisis Management Ltd, Response House, 5C Alkmaar Way, Norwich NR6 6BF
Telephone: 01603 400349 | e-mail: |
Media & Crisis Management Limited registered in England and Wales, 3977304
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